Welcome to our website. In accessing and using this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Moulamein FNC collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of the https://www.moulameinfnc.com website (“Site”). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by Moulamein FNC.



While care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this website is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of this information.

Moulamein FNC gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained, or that is suitable for your intended use.

Moulamein FNC disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, loses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason.

Each user waives and releases Moulamein FNC and it’s agents, employees and service providers to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of material or information made available through this website. Subject to any terms implied by law, which cannot be excluded, in no event shall Moulamein FNC be liable for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from use of the material.

This website provides links to external Internet sites. These external websites are outside our control. It is the responsibility of users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information found. Although care is taken to provide links to suitable material, the nature of the Internet prevents the guaranteeing of suitability, completeness or accuracy of any material that this site may be linked to.

Moulamein FNC is not endorsing any provider of products or services by facilitating access to information about these providers from its website, nor does it accept responsibility for the quality of goods and services provided by third parties accessed through this site.



We are committed to the protection of personal information. We understand that visitors and users of this website are concerned about their privacy, and the confidentiality and security of any information that is provided.

Some information is automatically collected whenever anybody accesses this website. We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the site, place an order, subscribe to the newsletter, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information. Moulamein FNC will only use such information collected for the purpose of which it was supplied and such information will not be disclosed to any third party unless required by law.



We use your personal information to: provide and improve our Services, give you a personalised experience on our sites, contact you, provide customer service, provide you with personalised advertising and marketing, and detect, prevent and investigate fraud and/or other illegal activities. We keep personal information from active accounts as long as it is needed for our operations. We also keep personal information from closed accounts when we’re legally required to and also to stop fraud, collect outstanding fees, troubleshoot problems, help with investigations, enforce our Terms of Use and take other actions under applicable national laws.



When you visit this website our servers web logs record anonymous information for statistical purposes only, including: date and time of your visit to the site, page you accessed and documents downloaded, type of browser you are using, previous page you visited prior to accessing our site, internet address of the internet service provider accessing our site.



We protect your information using technical and administrative security measures.

This website does not provide facilities for securely transmitting information across the internet. We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of all information that we collect, however no data transmission over the internet or information stored on servers accessible through the internet can be guaranteed to be fully secure. These activities are undertaken at your own risk.



This privacy policy may change from time to time particularly as new rules, regulations and industry codes are introduced.